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General Platform Training

Omnibook is a professional platform that requires training to leverage all its features. Once this general training is completed, users can create their documents, manage them in their own or company's library, and distribute them with complete autonomy.

General Training
Data Visualization

Data Visualization Training

Transforming raw data into visually appealing and easily understandable information is a crucial element of digital communication. This specialized training provides the essential skills to independently create dynamic and interactive visualizations that captivate audiences.

EDM-focused training

Omnibook allows you to centralize and streamline digital documents in a private library. Users can manage access and secure publications with authentication requests.

This solution allows you to master the features to create a well-organized document environment, effectively structure the library, and optimize document distribution while meeting document management, communication, and content security needs.

EDM Training
Personalized Assistance

Personalized Production Support

After completing our training, users can benefit from ongoing support to quickly resolve any issues that may arise. This support is flexible and can be provided via email, phone, video conference, or in person, depending on the specific needs of users, their number, roles, and geographic location. This ensures tailored and effective support to maintain optimal use of the platform.

With Omnibook, You're in Good Hands

Our team supports you throughout your project, providing:

  • Training to Master the Platform
  • Assistance to answer your questions
  • Global production or co-production to co-create and master the tool
  • Specific Development for Custom Solutions