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Outsource document creation

Our studio handles all your digital document projects, regardless of their nature: reports, catalogs, magazines, landing pages, white papers, technical documents, etc. By entrusting us with the initial production, you benefit from a solid and structured foundation. This allows you to easily carry out updates or translations internally, thus optimizing your workflow and resources.

Outsource Creation

Automating your production

We design and implement customized automation processes. These systems integrate seamlessly with databases or PIMs. Our versatile approach guarantees efficient automation for your print and digital productions, as well as for projects combining print and digital. The key advantage? All these productions rely on a single data source, ensuring consistency and production efficiency across different communication channels.

Karl, Omnibook's custom AI

Integrate custom AI agents with Omnibook. Create customized assistants, whether for a salesperson, an educator, or a specific role, and activate them on a document, a folder, or an entire library. Access the best models on the market, such as Copilot, Gemini, ChatGPT, Deepseek, and Claude. These intelligent agents enrich the user experience by providing contextual and personalized assistance, whether for navigation, information search, or content analysis.

Personalized AI
Omnibook Studio

With Omnibook, you're in good hands

Our team supports you throughout your project, providing:

  • Training to master the platform
  • Assistance to answer your questions
  • full production or co-production to create together and master the tool
  • Specific development for custom solutions