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Save time and increase efficiency

Automated creation significantly reduces the time spent on the production phase, from 80% to just 20% of the total project time. Updates can be made quickly and easily, without the need for reprinting or redistribution.

Reduce costs

Reduce costs

The total cost of ownership (TCO) decreases over time, making subsequent editions less expensive. The ability to automate the creation of other documents that follow the same format is also a significant cost-saving opportunity. For example, a general catalog can be divided into a multitude of promotional catalogs.

Analyze reliable data to be more responsive

Companies can evaluate the effectiveness of their documents and adjust them in real time. Instant updates of product, pricing, and promotional information allow for rapid response to market changes.

Omnibook team

With Omnibook, you're in good hands

Our team supports you throughout your project, providing:

  • Training to master the platform
  • assistance to answer your questions
  • Global production or co-production to create and master the tool together
  • Specific development for tailor-made solutions