Total logo Michelin logo Evian logo Annecy logo Metropole Aix Marseille Provence logo Grand Annecy logo Organization for Securité and Co-operation in Europe logo Ville de Genève logo Wall Street English logo Le Village by CA logo Infoprodigital logo Le Moniteur logo Territorial Édition logo Fédération Française de Voile logo Lombard Odier logo Culturethéque | The Institut français logo Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme logo Global Campus of Human Rights logo International Telecommunication Union (ITU) logo Université Savoie Mont Blanc logo Stop TB Partnership logo Fédération Genevoise de Coopération logo Marsatwork logo Caisse des dépôts logo L'argus de l'assurance logo

Customize to your visual identity

The Omnibook interface can be adapted to your needs, including colors, logo, and layout. This allows for completely seamless visual integration into your tools.

Visual Identity
SharePoint Integration

Integration with your SharePoint

The Omnibook plugin easily integrates with SharePoint, enabling the recognition of ".book" files, the display of their thumbnails, and their direct viewing with a click, just like PowerPoint or PDF files. This solution guarantees a seamless and personalized experience for document management.

Easy integration of the Omnibook e-reader into a website

The Omnibook e-reader can be easily integrated into a white-label website. If a CMS allows the use of iframes, that's all you need to get started. This solution allows you to publish your documents directly to your website, providing a seamless reading experience consistent with your visual identity.

Website integration
Custom Integration

Custom Integration

Need to integrate Omnibook into an existing tool?

Our developers are at your disposal.