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A document suitable for print and web

In a world where multi-channel communication is crucial, many companies still rely on distributing PDFs online, sacrificing the user experience, particularly on mobile devices. Omnibook revolutionizes this approach by offering a unique solution for creating documents suitable for all devices.

Omnibook Print

Optimize your content for each use

Enjoy an enriched reading experience that transcends the limitations of print by offering multimedia and interactive content on digital media. This allows your readers to benefit from intuitive and free navigation, beyond the linear reading imposed by the paper format.

Print directly without modification

With Omnibook, you can export your publication to PDF directly from the interface or from the publication itself. Hidden and dynamic elements are automatically taken into account. The document can be printed directly digitally and in offset for larger runs.

Print without modification

Reduce production times

With Omnibook, optimize your creation process while meeting the needs of both paper and digital readers. You can create a unique document in a single step and significantly reduce the time spent.

Omnibook can also automate document production from a database or PIM. This feature simplifies your workflow, reducing manual effort and potential errors.

With Omnibook, you're in good hands

Our team supports you throughout your project, providing:

  • Training to master the platform
  • Assistance to answer your questions
  • Global production or co-production to create together and master the tool
  • Specific development for customized solutions
Omnibook Team