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Protect your copyright

Omnibook offers robust content protection thanks to its ACL (Access Control List) functionality. This solution prevents unauthorized redistribution and reproduction, while allowing your readers to store publications in a secure, personal space.


Optimize your profitability

Omnibook operates on a SaaS subscription model, independent of sales prices or revenue. This allows you to fully control your sales margin, ensuring optimal management of costs and revenues. This model guarantees financial predictability and flexibility in resource management, allowing you to maximize profitability while maintaining lasting customer relationships.

Integrate Omnibook into your online store

Omnibook offers a direct marketing solution for your digital books via your own e-store, without intermediaries such as Apple, Amazon, or Google. The platform hosts your publications and integrates an automated API access control system, ensuring you have complete control over the use of your digital content.


Optimize reader engagement

Omnibook allows you to analyze reader behavior and optimize your offers. By collecting statistical data, you can personalize the user experience, identify the most popular content, and effectively re-engage customers with other relevant publications. This strengthens their loyalty and improves their overall satisfaction, while allowing you to develop targeted marketing strategies.

Develop new digital offerings

Omnibook accepts PDFs, of course. But it's also possible to reinvent the viewing experience for your publications and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Documents become multimedia, interactive, and responsive, offering seamless navigation that far exceeds the simplicity of PDFs. This approach allows for unparalleled depth, captivating recipients with dynamic and immersive reading.

AI Assistant

Karl, the private conversational assistant

Offer your readers an innovative experience with AI agents. They can instantly access information, benefiting from seamless and interactive navigation that meets their needs. Karl limits his responses to the contents of the document, a group of documents, or a library.

With Omnibook, you're in good hands

Our team supports you throughout your project, providing:

  • Training to master the platform
  • Assistance to answer your questions
  • Global production or co-production to create and master the tool together
  • Specific development for tailor-made solutions
Omnibook Team