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Centralization of all digital documents

Omnibook features a private media library for storing and organizing various digital document formats (ebook, PDF, ePUB, webapp). The interface offers an unlimited folder tree for optimal organization. Recipients can use a reading application to archive, organize, and view received documents, whether online or offline.

Centralization of documents
Access Level Management

Managing access levels

Omnibook offers advanced access and usage rights management for digital documents. The platform allows you to define different levels (administrator, creator, reader) and customize the permissions granted to recipients (access, download, share, print, etc.).

Authentication of recipients

For document confidentiality or marketing purposes, OmniBook allows you to authenticate a recipient or group. It's simple and effectively complements access level management.

Recipient authentication

Updating the disseminated documents

Omnibook allows documents to be updated even after recipients have downloaded them. Additionally, the platform allows access to already distributed documents to be blocked, ensuring that readers can only view the most up-to-date versions.

They talk about it better than us

Collegial team feedback:

  • Very easy to use, intuitive, modern tool!
  • Perfect design! Excellent compromise between respecting the Michelin graphic charter and the visual identities to which our customers are accustomed.
  • Perfectly balanced UX! Your expertise and advice are invaluable and help us carefully consider each navigation.


European Commercial Communication

I have used Omnibook to publish 5 annual reports since 2017. It is a good tool, easy to use and scalable according to digital trends.

Elodie Ernst

Departmental Communications Coordinator, City of Geneva

We were looking for a presentation medium for our collections that was simple to use while highlighting the richness of our content. A tool that is easy to manage internally and pleasant to use by our users. Omnibook has allowed us to improve our digital communication and highlight the work of our authors.

Pierre-Yves Hagasse

Marketing and digital manager, Hachette FLE

This versatile and easy-to-use tool has allowed us to free ourselves from paper and design dynamic and attractive documents. Thanks to Omnibook, we were able to begin the shift towards digital in a simple and comfortable way.

Yanik Marguerat

The SOMFY Group's feedback following its participation in the R+T trade fair in Germany with its new Omnibook catalog.

  • 81% of users said the webapp was "excellent"
  • 86% found the multimedia content not only appropriate but also very enriching
  • 88% praised the centralization of information, finding the navigation between brands "just perfect."

Géraldine Versmessen

Communications Department

For editing, fluidity is key. So is ease of use. With OmniBook, the results are astounding. Whether on a work computer, tablet, or phone, the content is always there, fluid and clear, editable, and accessible wherever you are, even offline.

Nicolas Gaudin

External Relations and Advocacy, IARC / CIRC

We used Omnibook for an internal guide to teleworking. The navigation, the enriched content with the possibility of integrating videos, the overall ergonomics are very appreciated by the community agents. The Omnibook adventure continues!

Audrey Coupat

Director of Communications, City of Annecy

We have had Omnibook since 2021, and we are very satisfied with it. We have more professional and fun renderings of documents with animations, the possibility of integrating videos... It is simple to use by hand with easily accessible basic options.

Johanna Gheno

Information officer, CCI Haute-Savoie

It was a very special moment for us to have had the opportunity to produce with your incredible team, the United Nations global study on children deprived of their liberty. The distribution of our publications was until now limited to a restricted group of experts and thanks to Omnibook, you have made them accessible to everyone, everywhere in the world. Thank you for your contribution to human rights!

Georges Younes

Co-Founder & Head of Office - Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights. Project Lead, Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty - Global Campus of Human Rights

I have been looking for a long time, for a simple solution that allows me to create multimedia and fully responsive documents, without having to use HTML. I tried omnibook and it's really a simple and very professional solution. Now I easily create reports, presentations and all kinds of landing pages for my newsletters. Recipients finally have a consultation adapted to all their computers and mobiles, both online and after downloading.


Communications Officer